Handling the Mundd (Dhoti)

God! Seems like I will have a tough time handling the dhoti ("Mundd" as it is called in Malayalam) in the coming times ahead... :-P

Everything is fine until the knot of the Mundd loosens up... :-D I still remember, once when I was in Kerala and went to buy something, and the damned shirt didn't had pockets. The Mundd will have a little loose space at its end where usually people keep stuffs like money. So I did the same thing, and on reaching the store, I did an MJ finding it tough to find the money where I had placed it...Damn it! I opened it completely and there comes the currency notes, down my legs.... :-P Needless to say, the shopkeeper was hysteric with laughter...

Uhhhh, how do people manage it while walking, sitting and sleeping?


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