Rainy Days...

Writing after so long...."Life is a bux of Ammo..." (The famous Duke Nukem phrase!) You never know when the ammo gets exhausted, but you surely would know when it's gonna explode. :-)

Past one month was like a wash out for me...Nothing serious, nothing memorable happened during this month. If you ask me what was special in the past month, I have nothing to talk about...yeah except Work and pain due to the dreaded fissure developed due to the Antibiotics which i have taken for the dental treatment. The fissure appears and it goes and then re-appears and I will be mainly off & on on laxatives. It appears like some one cutting from inside you with a knife, and the pain disappears as soon as you are done... I find warm water bath and the diltigesic cream Diltiazem very relieving. Please consult the doctor before you take over these medicines of your own.

Rainy day has started in Bangalore. I love rain...Each time when I became drenched in the rain water, it feels the "bachpan" has come over me again...I used to cycle to school, and when the rainy season happened during those days, I would make sure I became drenched in that rainy water.... Rain was a great relief after the May-June-July scorched mercury in Jaipur. And usually this time of the year, we (me and my family) would be in Kerala for vacations. And when we return, it would have been all rainy...Schools would have reopened, with new dresses, new books and all things new...

There is a small Indian Mythological story explaining rains if you people knew it....The usual love story; Boy meets Girl and parents don't like the star crossed love affair. The Legend goes like this: Earth was a beautiful maiden , with her blue green Saree; she looked stunning and had a number of admirers. Sky, the son of Sun, was a strong, young and handsome man . They took one look at each other and fell madly in love with each other. But the groom's father, the "Sun", played a villainous role here. He didn't approve of the Romantic couple's intention of Gandharva Vivaha. Sky pleaded to his father but to no avail...At last he relents to his father's demands and goes back to his heavenly abode...BUT, as the case is with all the lovers across the universe, he never forgot his beautiful soul mate and whenever he thought of her, he sheds his tears...of pain....of sorrow. They never got each other and remained single unto this day...And whenever the Sky cries, Earth looks new and fresh, depicting her happiness that Sky still cares for herm still loves her, even though both have grown older....

"Is it true?", "Kya Phenkta hai!", "Who is that dumb girl, who kissed u in 2 hours; and that too, you!", "Why don't you try writing fiction?", "You have wild Imagination!", are some of the remarks I got for my previous post. ;-) People called my mobile to ask or tell the same questions and remarks...Well, I don't want to disclose if that is a true incident or just a fiction...You people decide and do think whatever you seem plausible.... :-)

Well, that's it for today...Still entangled with work, and trying to get out of it......


  1. I liked the story abt earth and sky, have never heard it before :)


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