The Fifth Encounter...

I have told you guys two of the encounters with the love bug. Now just jump on to the fifth and the last one...This happened when I am still in my present company...The company used to have an internal Instant messenger; In search of another colleague, I added Miss E into my friends list accidentally...And we chatted with each other now and then, whenever in office...Got to know her very well during these period...Apparently she was in love with another guy who was also in the same company but in a different location. You see, love is blind and deaf (I told you people this before!); that guy was no where a match for Miss E. I don't know how she even thought of coming near to him...Her parents also opposed the relation, along with her brother...

And the evident happened...That guy married some other girl and she was left alone....

Even after knowing that she was in love with someone already, and even though we have never met each other physically (Yeah have seen pics of each other...through Orkut!), I developed a soft corner for her in my heart... And after knowing that she had been ditched, I didn't knew if I should be happy or sad. I was sad because I knew she would be sad...And in persuasion of this, I asked her a "silly" question, which I think she still carry around in her mind whenever she chats with me (Yeah! she still chats with me, even though she has left the company some time back). I sent her through e-mail a memorabilia which she can never forget about...But I didn't got any reply back for that...And when I asked her for the reason, she told it won't be right if she marries me...I don't know what she meant by the previous statement, may be she thought of me as some spook because of that question which I asked her...Don't know...I know I love her, and if she loves me she will come back to me...

Miss E looks gorgeous with that "nathni" (mukkuthi or nose ring) at her nose...And I lied to her that I never noticed her nose with that nathni...

Oh yeah...Forgot to add. Wedding bells are halted for a while :-) Miss Karishma Kapoor seems to have given the feedback of the interview and she thinks she has longer legs than mine.... ;-)


  1. You are absolutely right with the fact that it's on Ms E's top of mind (abt the Question) whenever she talks to you.

    I couldn't really get wat she meant by 'it won't be right if she marries me'...Either it could be a polite way of letting you know that she's not interested or
    She was confused abt wat to say at that point of time{May be the memorabilia kandu pedichittundakum.. sometimes
    too much info can also be overwhelming} best thing would be try to remind her abt the same thing after a month or so( when she's sober/done and overwith her previous relationship)..

    pls don't come as pushy/needy...gurls don't like either of these kinds....just raise the Q on a casual note or else she would end up going offline everytime she see you.

    The good thing is , since she's still chatting with you -tat means there's definitely room for Hope.

    Ayyo...karishma kapoor poyallo... better luck next time.


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