Luck & My First Job

Sometimes every thing seems to work against you...Today my Office laptop crashed (again!!!); I thought of using my personal laptop, then again the home Internet connection went berserk...What the heck...OK, I put aside these things and went for dinner, only to realize that I forgot my Purse and the helmet lock keys in Office. Luckily, the office is nearby, so I went in bike and got my purse and the keys. The security guard at the door inspected me from top to bottom, as if I am going to plant a bomb at 8'O click of night. Anyways, I don't complain because he is doing his duty and for the sake of us people. But sometimes, they become so confident that they allow people even without Office tags and the office vehicle stickers...especially at lunch hours.

Traveling through the Koramangala-Madivala pass is an adventure now...The traffic has been made two-way in that area, and it takes 45 minutes at least for reaching me from office to home, while if I walk from office, it would take only 15 minutes. Anyways, I took my dinner from the restaurant on the way, and came back home to have the dinner peacefully. I cursed all my luck to find that the electricity connection is gone in our area.!!! I thought I am gonna mad like this; I stayed calm (yeah in the dark!), put some water on the face and went upstairs to have a walk. Within 20 minutes the electricity supply came back, I had my dinner and thought of re-installing the laptop, which I succeeded. By then the Internet connection also started working and here I am again writing in the blog.

I came to Bangalore on the end of 2004. I still remember the day when I boarded the Jaipur-Bangalore train. I had just completed my MCA, and after a 3 month search for jobs in Northern India (in the Delhi and NCR regions) I got a call from Macromedia Inc (yeah right, if you oldies remember, Macromedia Flash which is now called Adobe Flash; Macromedia is taken over by Adobe) to attend an interview. The foremost problem while I am coming here is no body knew me; all my college mates were in Delhi and NCR regions. But finally, a guy who is the son of a distant friend of my grandpa (quite small a relation!!!) arranged a temporary accomodation for me. The Macromedia interview was a rip-off; I struggled a lot to stand in front of them, but as a fresher, I was not able to...And sadly, I was out in the 4th round of Interview (There were 5 or probably 6 rounds of Interview and I was the only person who got called for the Interview).

Anyways, whatever bad happens to me, I always realized later that it was for my good. I had given interviews in, I think, some two more companies, one of which is in Cunningham road and the other at ITPL. And then my time came. By this time, I had shifted to my present locality (yeah, i have been at this place now for more than 4 years!!!). You never know, when your time comes....I have gone to Internet cafe and came back hopelessly, seeing no mails from any recruiter. My roomy (who was also from Jaipur) told me that Accenture is having a recruitment drive at St. Joseph's School; at first I was not interested because at those times, such news were greatly fake. Anyways, I thought of going there. Indeed there was recruitment going on, but they have closed the requirements it seemed. They just took my resume and told that they will get back to me. Hmmm....2 weeks passed and there was no news from their side; and suddenly one day I got the call for a prelim test from Accenture (Ah, that was a relief. I prayed to all the gods I knew!!!) And so, I got through the prelim, then there was an HR interview (I don't remember what they asked) and a tech interview (I was quite surprised. The interviewer seemed to be a much experienced person. He asked to tell about me, what course had I done, what had I done in my MCA project) After the tech interview, the interviewer said, "OK Vipin, you are in. I will see you in some time!!!". I came dancing out of Accenture office (yeah the office just to the side of Macromedia, now Adobe at the Bannerghatta road stretch).

But for over 2 weeks, I didn't got my Offer letter. Finally I mailed the HR who has taken my Interview for the recruitment, and in the same evening, I got a call from them asking me to come the next day to collect the offer letter.

I bagged my first job this way!!!

Oh yeah, a little help for someone...There was a guy who was also interviewed in the same slot as me. He also got selected in all the processes but he didn't got the offer letter. While I talked about my offer letter to the HR, I also talked about his profile. They told that they were trying to call him for so long, but the phone number he had given was not working. I called him at his house (I think) and told him to send the HR a mail with his working number. That guy finally got his offer letter, but the joining date was around 4 months later than my joining. Anyways, he joined Accenture and is in US now.

Ahhhh!!! Feeling sleepy now. It's already 11:40 PM.


  1. This is what happens with all most all the youth very nice and All the Best for your future


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